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+971 58 581 4330


I do not have Title Deed yet. Which documents can be provided as alternative?
Can I sublet the property?
Do we need to remove unwanted stuff in the unit aside from what is mentioned in your checklist?
Can I still use Short Term Rentals, if my unit is part of a hotel apartment?
What if I want to advertise the property myself?
Does my furniture need to be of a certain quality?
What if I want to use the property myself?
How do I know when my unit is rented out?
What are the peak months for short term rentals per your experience?
What is our management fee?
I do not have DEWA green bill yet. Can I still rent the unit?
What documents do I need to start renting on short term basis?
Did developers in Dubai ban STR in some communities?
How do you control if the guests are using more utilities than your estimated costs?
Your management fee is higher than some of Short-Term Rental Companies like Airbnb, what more do you offer?
Do I have to buy all the furniture?
What happens if my tenant stops paying the rent?
What if I want to sell my unit eventually?
How do I know you will find me a good tenant?
What is my estimated ROI projection, and what is the return compared to long term rentals?