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Useful tips for renting out Dubai real estate for short-term / daily rent

03/01/2024 598
This is interesting

Many people who own property in Dubai are clearly considering the possibility of renting it out when the property is not being used by the owner, family, or friends. This way, they can cover the expenses associated with maintaining the property and earn additional income. The information gathered by us will be valuable for those considering short-term rentals of their apartments and houses.

High-quality Equipment

When you first decide to buy property for rental business in Dubai, there may be a temptation to try to limit initial furnishing expenses by providing the bare minimum of furniture and equipment. However, the advice we would give after many years in the rental business is: don't try to cut corners! Furnish your property as well as best you can affor. Also, for short-term rentals in Dubai, there are clear standards for furnishing and equipping apartments and villas developed by the Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (DTCM), which all owners and management companies must follow.

Every residential property owner is concerned about getting a good return on their investment, but there is always the fear that tenants might break or damage something.

Our company RAD Holiday Homes has been in this business for years, and we have found that most vacationers are indeed very careful with furniture and other personal items. But in order to protect the property owner from possible expenses, we have implemented a deposit system. For every rental, even if a guest is renting for just a few days, we take a deposit, and if anything is broken or damaged, the cost of the losses will be reimbursed from the guest's deposit.

We have noticed that people expect their vacation homes to be better than their own. They will take greater care of your property if they feel that you have made a lot of effort to make them feel like welcome guests. Apartments and villas with cozy designs and beautiful furniture are booked at a higher cost and much faster than similar apartments that are not properly furnished. Guests also leave excellent reviews about the property, which positively affects the choice by other clients. This factor allows the property owner to earn much more, as the booking cost is higher, and the risk of the apartments being unoccupied is reduced.

It is essential to ensure the comfort of all beds. Lack of sleep can ruin any vacation. For example, a mattress that is too hard or too soft will definitely lead to a negative review from a client, while high-quality bedding will pleasantly surprise guests and make them want to come back.

One property owner writes, "In the first year of renting out, I had several complaints about the bed, and when I visited my property the next time, I realized the complaints were completely justified."

Keep in mind that many renters consider household amenities, such as a microwave, coffee machine, smart TV and clothes dryer to be essential during their stay.


By following these tips, you can increase the chances of success for your short-term rental business.

If you need a company that will take good care of all the worries of renting out property in Dubai, feel free to contact our company RAD Holiday Homes! You won't have to constantly visit your rental property for cleaning, tenant check-ins or check-outs. In addition to everything, we will take care of all the work related to documents and interactions with government departments.